Use "gasp|gasps" in a sentence

1. The picture was greeted with gasps of Admiration

2. The stunt brought shocked gasps from the audience.

3. His announcement produced gasps of amazement.

4. His breath came in short gasps.

5. Her breath came in convulsive gasps.

6. The cold made her gasp.

7. "No!" she managed to gasp.

8. Her breath came in shallow gasps.

9. My breaths were coming in gasps.

10. She gave a gasp of surprise.

11. The last gasp... of the Harvard establishment.

12. There was a gasp at this disclosure.

13. Sometimes he would gasp as he slept.

14. “It’s like climbing a concrete wall,” someone gasps.

15. I heard myself gasp and cry out.

16. She stifled a gasp of pure pleasure.

17. These are the final death gasps of Tshombe's government.

18. * The sound of Simba's dying gasp *

19. I let out an involuntary gasp.

20. He gave a gasp of amazement.

21. The gasps of shock built into a cacophony of questions.

22. We've been given our parts in the nativity play... ( GASPS )

23. Now, you're gonna learn how i handle pests. ( gasps ) ( coughing )

24. Assyria’s last gasp came at Haran.

25. A gasp rippled through the crowd.

26. He is born to destroy you... and those of your seed. [ Gasps ]

27. She gave a little gasp of delight.

28. She gave a small gasp of pain.

29. Almost fainting from lack of air, she could only answer in choked gasps.

30. He gasps to the operator, "My friend is dead.

31. She spun round with a little gasp of delight.

32. Macro ( gasp! ) names all uppercase and begin with BOOST _.

33. With a welcome gasp of air the pair escape.

34. Next to him he heard Maisie gasp.

35. She managed to gasp a few words.

36. She managed to gasp out her name.

37. Onlookers gasp in shock, then cheer in support.

38. She must have inhaled some residue with her dying gasps.

39. (Gasps) I'd be very interested in your theories about what that's about.

40. It made her gasp and draw in breath.

41. A large gasp was audible, followed by laughter.

42. Suddenly there was a gasp from the crowd.

43. There was an audible gasp from the audience.

44. I will groan, pant, and gasp all at once.

45. She gave a little gasp and clutched George's hand.

46. He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps.

47. Onlookers gasp in shock and then cheer in support.

48. There was a loud gasp from the rocking chair.

49. Norick thinks Father should quit farming and join the king's army. [ Gasps ]

50. Bernice sucked in air with a rasping gasp that hurt her throat.

51. She took a few short breaths, then a gasp, and then lay still.

52. Now we solaced our brow on the porcelain, and emitted a few sour gasps of disgust.

53. Look, Mom, I really don't feel like having a Kodak moment here. [ Gasps ]

54. Synonyms for Croaks include rasps, squawks, caws, gasps, wheezes, crows, barks, chokes, coughs and grunts

55. There were the sounds of startled gasps behind the flashlight, then a gun Barked defiantly

56. Maxim ducked behind the first man who was hauling back his breath in short gasps.

57. 25 Audible gasps rose here and there together with short, whispered words and the murmur of anticipation.

58. With a gasp of pure horror, Lewis jumped up and ran.

59. One could only gasp at the sheer effrontery of the man.

60. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

61. The entire pier, with a collective gasp, drew back at the apparition.

62. ABBOTT This he managed to utter in gasps as the detective bent Compassionately over him

63. [ gasps for air ] What if the world stopped demanding and started listening to your demands?

64. Your dad's rude joke might make you gasp and Choke on your grilled cheese sandwich.

65. 25 He heard himself gasp and gurgle, saliva and blood spitting past the merciless wire.

66. I hate the government just as much as anyone, but you're being a little paranoid, don't you think? ( GASPS )

67. An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.

68. Li Yuan's look of surprise as the Arab reared brought gasps as well as laughter from all round.

69. Brachycephalic breeds also snore and tend to gasp for air after running or walking

70. He heard himself gasp and gurgle, saliva and blood spitting past the merciless wire.

71. Then there's nothing but the implacable, soul-less beat, and a subdued babble of shudders and metallic gasps.

72. Synonyms for Croak include rasp, squawk, caw, gasp, wheeze, crow, bark, choke, cough and grunt

73. 6 Watch the baby splutter and gasp. Hear the baby scream for hours on end.

74. There was a general gasp and Todger let out a nervous shriek of laughter that sounded horribly like mockery.

75. Throughout the land, gullible 13-year-olds would gasp in awe at the revelations laid before them.

76. Her head shot round, her shocked gasp mingling with the audible hiss of sharply indrawn breath.

77. At first, reading this passage I let out a gasp: I had never seen maternal ambivalence described on the page.

78. There was a gasp from the children and a high scream from Millie as the scissors went snip, snip, snip.

79. 10 But the poor paunchy guy had been stuffed into a jumpsuit from which he seemed to gasp for air.

80. Before him lay precious stones of such size, variety and colour that would have made anyone who was not royal gasp.